Feb 142022

After the round wreath made from little paper rosettes, here is another wreath – this one a red, heart wreath. I had used red/brown sheets, cut circles from the paper and rolled these rosettes before gluing them to a heart-shaped wreath base. I had made one mistake that I will need to rectify in my next wreath. I think I should have painted my wreath base red before adding the flowers. Right now, I can see bits [Continued..]

Jan 012022
Happy New Year 2013!

Happy New Year, dear readers! I hope this new year is a blessing to all of you. So I wanted to start off the new year on the blog, with a beautiful project. I was working on a complex origami, which wasn’t turning out to be much of a success! So I ended up putting it aside, incomplete for now, and instead started working on an easier (but more time consuming!) project, namely a paper [Continued..]