Aug 272021

The peacock is a beautiful bird and I have been trying to fold it for quite some time now – ever since I got the book ‘Origami Sculptures’ by John Montroll. And I did manage to fold it a couple of weeks ago, on 15th August. That is the Indian Independence Day, and in case you did not know this, the peacock is the national bird of India – an added incentive to fold! The paper I had [Continued..]

Aug 162021

The origami lotus is yet another traditional, modular model and one that I had tried out recently. The assembly for the lotus is different from what I had done till date. After folding the individual modules (there are a total of 8 modules for the flower and 4 for the leaves), we assemble the modules in sets of 3 (2 flower modules and 1 leaf module) and tie them together. Once everything is held tight [Continued..]

Aug 112021
Invites with cherry blossoms

In case you are wondering what I have been doing with that bunch of cherry blossoms I had done previously, here you go.. All those cherry blossoms were made specifically for some special invites. My brother and sister-in-law had recently constructed their office (till now they have been renting out a place) and were planning a small ceremony for dedicating the office to our Lord. So these invites were sent out to some relatives, some [Continued..]

 Posted by Oren Green  Tagged with: Capstone, card, , invite, origami invite
Aug 072021

As I had mentioned in an earlier post, I have recently joined the Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). This year, BSF focuses on the Book of Genesis, the first Book of the Bible. Last week, we had meditated on the first chapter of Genesis, on creation. We had also referenced many verses from other Books of the Bible to see how they speak of creation. One such verse was Jeremiah 10:12, which goes as follows, But [Continued..]

 Posted by Oren Green
Aug 062021
Church Sale 2012

This year’s sale in our church was on the 5th of August. This special sale is actually in celebration of harvest and is usually celebrated in all churches during the months of August and September. The idea behind it is that, we should give our best to the Lord for His love and kindness throughout the year. Similar to Abel of the Old Testament in the Bible, we strive to give the best of what [Continued..]