I have not been the most active blogger these days, mainly because I am experimenting with paper jewelry and well, that is pretty time-consuming. But I do regularly update my Facebook Page, so if you have not taken a look, do drop by Though I enjoy making paper jewelry, there is nothing like folding a good solid modular origami to get one back in the blogging game! This modular icosahedron is a fairly easy model [Continued..]
Tomoko Fuse’s book ‘Unit Origami Fantasy’ is in Japanese, so I am not able to find the name of this model! Hence the generic title for the post As far as the model goes, this is a simple model, made from a windmill base. I used printer paper (80 gsm) for the units, which turned out pretty good for this model. I think if I had used regular 60 gsm origami paper, the model might not [Continued..]
I am quite fascinated with Tomoko Fuse’s book ‘Floral Origami Globes’ and after completing the Butterfly Kusudama, I didn’t waste much time, working on the next kusudama. This kusudama is the Chrysanthemum Globe Kusudama, assembled from 60 rectangles. Each unit is assembled from 2 rectangles – a base and the chrysanthemum, inserted into the base. The kusudama assembly is the basic sonobe assembly for 30-unit icosahedrons, but with a small difference. While the sonobe assembly [Continued..]
It has been quite a while since I folded modular origami and even longer since I folded any of Tomoko Fuse’s amazing creations. This modular kusudama is the Butterfly Kusudama (Type III) and is from the book ‘Floral Origami Globes‘. The model is made from 30 units and each unit is made from 2 rectangles. The fan-like section is folded into a base section to form 1 unit. I have glued the two parts of [Continued..]
The Origami Tornado Kusudama is a beautiful modular origami designed by Aldo Marcell, an amazing Nicaraguan origami artist. This model is assembled from 30 modules. It works best with duo-coloured paper. In recent days, I have developed a special fondness for purple/lavender colour combination (will post more models in the same combination soon) and I went for the same combination again. And am quite happy with the way it has turned out! The model reminds [Continued..]