The dodecahedron kit is a part of a series of similar kits from the book ‘Polyhedron Origami’, by Miyuki Kawamura. The other kits in the series include the Edge Module, Tetrahedron, Octahedron and Icosahedron kits. Each of these kits are made up of 2 kinds of modules – the vertex modules (which forms the corners of the polyhedron) and the edge modules (which connects 2 vertex modules). The vertex module is different for different polyhedra, [Continued..]
If you notice, I have recently been working on easy origami. So I thought I would try out something a bit more challenging. This hydrangea cube was a good attempt and I am quite pleased with how it has turned out How to go about this? Well, you initially make 6 of Shuzo Fujimoto’s hydrangea tessellations. In origami, tessellations are folded from a single sheet of paper and provides a dimensional appearance. The hydrangea tessellation [Continued..]
After making origami prisms in the previous post, it seemed natural to try out the antiprisms next. Antiprisms are similar to prisms but the difference is that the side faces are triangles instead of parallelograms. Also, the top and bottom parts are twisted, relative to each other. For these antiprisms, I used 3.5 inch squares – 3 squares for the triangular antiprism, 4 for the quadrilateral one, 5 for the pentagonal antiprism and 6 for the last [Continued..]
Prisms in Mathematics are polyhedrons where the top and bottom faces are polygons that are identical. The sides are parallelograms. I was trying out the prisms from Miyuki Kawamura’s book ‘Polyhedron Origami for Beginners’. And it turned out to be really simple. Each of the prisms can be done in 10-15 mins in all. Well, there really isn’t much more to say! Give it a go Model Details: Model: Prisms Book: Polyhedron Origami Author: Miyuki Kawamura Classification: Origami | Polyhedra Difficulty [Continued..]
I don’t usually fold animals or birds, because they are usually quite difficult to fold! But this little sparrow was a delight to fold. I also liked the look of it. It doesn’t look like a real sparrow, more like the cartoon version, with a nice long tail and a pair of jaunty wings. The sparrow fairly easy to fold, though I did get stuck in the third step initially. For those trying out for [Continued..]