Feb 142022
Valentine Day Hearts

Valentine’s Day – a very nice time to make origami hearts! So I found these easy hearts, which take about 5 minutes to complete I had intended to make these hearts as covers for a couple of boxes that I had, so I made them from big, 6-inch paper. I love polka dots, so I had this lovely red, polka dot wrapper paper which I was able to use now. This paper is a little [Continued..]

Feb 122022
Octagonal Box with Spirals - from 8 Modules

After folding the octagonal box from 4 units, I tried the 8-unit box. While folding, I realized that the 4-unit version is actually an extension of the 8-unit box. So folding the individual modules was pretty easy. The assembly was not as easy as the 4-unit box. Mainly because there are 8 arms that have to be folded together to form the spiral at the top. And obviously, dealing with 4 spiral arms was way [Continued..]

Feb 102022
Paper Woven Bowl

Of late, I have been making paper reeds in the fond hopes of making bowl. I had previously made a paper woven bowl and after coating it with a mixture of fevicol and water, I have found it to be quite robust! Since rolling the paper reeds was the most time consuming part of making the bowl, I have been making these reeds as and when time permitted. So finally, when I had about 100 [Continued..]

 Posted by Oren Green  Tagged with: newspaper rolls, paper weave
Feb 062022

This month’s theme at the Origami Society of Madras is Boxes! Yay! Love it So got cracking with this octagonal box by the ever-prolific Tomoko Fuse. I have this absolute fascination for boxes with spirals. I am always astounded by how beautifully elegant they look! So I worked on this spiral box from Tomoko Fuse’s ‘Let’s Fold Spirals’. A couple of years back, I had completed yet another spiral box – a hexagon and I love [Continued..]

Jan 312022

The Origami Society of Madras has started a recent project – to fold as many models as possible, based on a particular theme and post it on the group’s Facebook page. The theme is selected via voting and this month’s theme has been Dragons. If you go through my posts, you will quickly realize that I have a general aversion towards folding life forms – I have about 50 posts on lifeforms as opposed to [Continued..]

 Posted by Oren Green  Tagged with: dragon, Jay Ansill, , mythical creatures, , Origami Monsters and Mythical Beings, Robert Neale,