Apr 132022
Palm Sunday 2014

I love Palm Sunday. I love making palm crosses, palm decorations. And I love the message of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. So what is this Palm Sunday? And what is the significance of this day? Towards the end of Christ’s time on the earth, just before he was crucified on the cross, on Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a borrowed donkey’s colt. A vast crowd followed him – this [Continued..]

Mar 312022
Easter 2013

This Easter, let us not forget that it is not about fluffy bunnies and chocolate eggs, but about what Jesus did for us. Happy Easter, dear readers Well, I have been wondering what to fold this Easter and decided to redo Jared Needle’s origami cross. It is a beautiful origami to fold and the more I have folded this cross, the more I enjoy it! There are quite a few sinks, both open and closed [Continued..]

Mar 242022
Palm Sunday 2013

Here is an analysis of the beautiful hymn, ‘Ride on, ride on in majesty’, sung on every Palm Sunday: The hymn unites meekness and majesty, sacrifice and conquest, suffering and glory – all central to the gospel for Palm Sunday. Majesty is the theme as the writer helps us to experience the combination of victory and tragedy that characterizes the Triumphal Entry. – Hymnary.org 1. Ride on, ride on in majesty as all the crowds [Continued..]

Dec 202021

Our recent discussion in BSF was based on Genesis Chapter 22, where Abraham is tested by God, by being asked to sacrifice Isaac. Our group was discussing on the sacrifices from the old testament – Cain and Abel’s sacrifice for forgiveness of sin (Genesis 4:3,4), Noah’s sacrifice of thanksgiving (Genesis 8:20, 21) and Abraham’s sacrifice which was a test (Genesis 22:9,10). Today, in our lives, what kind of sacrifices does God expect of us? We [Continued..]

 Posted by Oren Green
Aug 072021

As I had mentioned in an earlier post, I have recently joined the Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). This year, BSF focuses on the Book of Genesis, the first Book of the Bible. Last week, we had meditated on the first chapter of Genesis, on creation. We had also referenced many verses from other Books of the Bible to see how they speak of creation. One such verse was Jeremiah 10:12, which goes as follows, But [Continued..]

 Posted by Oren Green