May 072021

The origami sun was one of the designs I started folding in the beginning of the month, but was pleasantly side-tracked into folding a Compass Rose, which to me, looked kinda like the sun! But I finally got around to folding the sun, designed by Jo Nakashima. It wasn’t exactly a piece of cake and I still don’t think I have got it quite right. There were a lot of pre-creasings and I think I [Continued..]

Feb 232019
Hyperbolic Parabola

An origami hyperbolic parabola, called be various other names such as saddle and hypar, is made by pleating a square of paper along the diagonals. Plenty of pleats will give a parabola looks really intricate and delicate. It is also possible to form modular units from the parabola. This is done by gluing individual units to form various shapes. Such modular, closed models are called Hyparhedra. I had attempted making a star by gluing 5 [Continued..]

 Posted by Oren Green  Tagged with: hyperbolic parabola, John Emmet, , Paul Jackson, , The Complete Origami Course
Feb 062019

The balalaika is a Russian musical instrument that looks a bit similar to the guitar. The origami balalaika is named so because of its resemblance to this instrument. The design is created by Tomoko Fuse and is detailed in her book Home Decorating with Origami. She describes it as an objet dárt in the book The design looks intricate and delicate and the more pleats there are, the better it looks. Well, I managed to [Continued..]