Apr 102022
Icosahedron Kit

The Icosahedral Kit is yet another of the Polyhedron kits from Miyuki Kawamura’s book ‘Polyhedron Origami’. In this modular origami, 2 kinds of modules are used – the Edge module and the Vertex module. The icosahedron kit is made from a total of 12 vertex modules and 30 edge modules – a grand total of 42 modules. Double-sided paper works best, since the back of the vertices are visible through all those gaps. The modules [Continued..]

Aug 252022
Bascetta Star - A Variation

This Christmas has been a very busy time for me. I had participated in a couple of Christmas sales and have been busy making paper jewelry! And paper jewelry is time-consuming work! So I didn’t get a lot of time to make anything special for Christmas 2014. One thing that I did try was this modular star. The star is actually made from Bascetta Star modules. The star requires a total of 24 modules. The [Continued..]

Aug 042022
Fumiaki Kawahata's Modular Ball

Fumiaki Kawahata’s most well-known origami is probably the Origami Yoda. But, I doubt I will ever make it – for one, I am not very clear on who exactly Yoda is (Star Wars and I are galaxies apart!!) and two, I am not really good at folding people/animals/birds from paper. Somehow my models don’t come out with a smooth finish and end up looking very unrealistic! The modular ball, on the other hand, is one [Continued..]

Jul 172022
Petals, Type II Kusudama

With Tomoko Fuse’s lecture and workshop coming up this weekend, I decided to try out another of her popular designs – the Petals Kusudama (Type II). The kusudama is made from 30 units. Each unit has a base and an inset, which is folded into the base. The units are assembled like a sonobe. The kusudama holds well even without any glue, though, since I wanted to make it into a hanging ornament, I ended [Continued..]

Aug 282022
Rings and Spirals

The origami spiral is yet another beautiful modular origami by Tomoko Fuse. Because of how colourful it looks, I had tried this out a long time back – about 3 years back, when I was pretty much a newbie to origami. While folding the modules was pretty easy, I just couldn’t figure out how to connect one unit with the next. And finally gave up. Now, since I have gained a little more experience, I [Continued..]